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Learn about medical miracle
a doctor discovered in 1950

Buy flaxseeds..... that will:
♦They will........ cure Cancer
♦They will..... regrow bones
♦Help you......... lose weight
♦Improve................ eyesight
hearing................... memory
♦Clear up...................... acne
♦Heal eczema....... psoriasis
♦Relieve.......... arthritic pain
♦They... will.. help Diabetics
maintain............ sugar level
♦Lower.............. cholesterol
♦Improve............ circulation
♦They.... will help problems
caused........ by Menopause
♦Flush out...... Gall Bladder
♦They will...... cleanse Liver
♦Prevent...... heart ailments
♦Relieve......................... IBS
♦Help.... control Symptoms
of........... Multiple Sclerosis
♦Relieve......... Constipation
♦Alleviate............... diarrhea

See how.. to use flax seeds

Use credit card to buy flax seeds and you will get seeds sent to you in 3 days, in addition to curing Cancer, Aids and regrowing bones medical research has found they can also do things above

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Most nutrition experts recommend grinding whole flaxseed because the ground form is easier for your body to digest as whole flaxseed pass through intestine undigested and you don't get all the benefits

Flaxseed's health benefits:
High in fiber.. with omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals (lignans), in one tbs, 2 grams polyunsaturated fatty acids (include omega 3s) 2 grams of dietary fiber, 37 cal

Flaxseed will... improve digestive health and constipation.. they will lower your total blood cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol levels and will help reduce heart disease risk

Flaxseeds are sold in bulk, whole or ground at many grocery stores and health food stores. The whole seeds can be ground up in coffee grinder.. and.. stored in an airtight container for several months, if you refrigerate the whole seeds, it extends freshness

Tips..... including flaxseeds in diet:

♦Add tbspn of ground flaxseed to your hot or cold breakfast cereal

♦Add tspn of ground flaxseed to mayonnaise or mustard when you are making a sandwich

♦Mix tbspn of ground flaxseed into an 8-ounce container of yogurt or cottage cheese

♦Bake ground flaxseed into your cookies, muffins, breads and other baked goods that you make

Like all sources of fiber, flax seeds should be taken with lots of water or other fluids. Flaxseed should not be taken at same time you take any other medications or dietary supplements, you should talk with your doctor before taking dietary supplements

Flaxseeds should be refrigerated or frozen to stay fresh as their high concentration of fatty acids make them susceptible to spoilage if you store at room temperature. After you open a bag, store in airtight container. If you buy in bulk, place all but open bag in the freezer for easy access

Use credit card to buy flax seeds and.... get them delivered in 3 days

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